Error Message 20
{"validationResults": {"infoMessages":
[{"type":"INFO","code":"XSD_ZATCA_VALID", "category":"XSD
validation ","message":"Complied with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA
[{"type":"WARNING", "code":"BR-KSA-56", "category": "KSA","message":"For credit
notes ((BT-3) has the value of 381) and debit notes ((BT-3) has the value of
383), the billing reference ID (BT-25) is
[{"type":"ERROR" ,"code":"BR-55","category":"EN_16931","message":"Each
Preceding Invoice reference (BG-3) shall contain a Preceding Invoice reference
(BT-25) .","status":"ERROR"},{"type":"ERROR","code":"BR-KSA-F-06-
C22","category":"KSA","message":"Field character limits for Billing reference ID
field (BT-25) have not been met. The minimum limit is 1 character and the
maximum limit is 5000
characters.","status":"ERROR"}],"status": "ERROR"},"reporting Status":"NOT_REPOR